Monitoring fruit quality at harvest

The key to achieving market standards.

One of the key times of the year for the cereceros is the intense harvest period in spring-summer, since there are a number of determining factors to achieve good results, among them: the supply and demand of labor in the area, climatic factors, heat and exposure of the fruit to the sun, coordination of large teams of people, the cleanliness of the overall harvest process and the quality of the fruit in the orchard.

Regarding fruit quality, there are factors that cannot be controlled on the day of harvest (weather or the condition of the fruit in the plant), but there are other key factors that can be controlled and that have to do with quality characteristics and the handling of the fruit from the time it is extracted by the harvester until it is taken to the plant.

Monitoring fruit quality at harvest

Among the quality factors that can be controlled we have:

  • bruising caused by careless handling of the fruit at the time of harvesting or moving it in the boxes.
  • Fruit rot.
  • Bird bites.
  • Fruit without pedicel: a defect that, although sometimes tolerated, is far from ideal because it is due to poor handling by the harvester or because the fruit is too soft due to the heat.
  • The different types of scores.
  • Pre-calibration.
  • Lack of color.
  • Lack of soluble solids.

The aforementioned factors can, if they become very present in the harvest, greatly impair the overall quality of the harvest, which can have serious consequences. For the above mentioned, it is crucial to keep a control in the field as updated as possible on how these parameters are evolving, this will allow us to stop these problems in time to make the necessary corrections so that our harvest can meet the standards in the places of quality control.

It is important to pay attention to the evolution of the different quality parameters during the harvest in order to take corrective measures in an informed manner, so that we can reduce the chances of damaging our results.

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