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Agrak in your Harvest

What is Agrak?

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What does Agrak Harvest do?

Agrak Harvest is a complete agricultural app that allows you to manage your fruit harvest in real-time and in an easy-to-use app. You can keep track of everything in it, facilitate decision-making, pay salaries, keep traceability of your fruit, control the fruit quality that your workers harvest, etc. The Agrak Harvest platform has two apps: Agrak Harvest and Agrak Work.

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How does Agrak Harvest work?

To use Agrak Harvest, download the app from the Play Store. Agrak Harvest is the app used by the manager. In it, you have: online reports of how your harvest is going, user management, and the harvest parameters. For your workers, download Agrak Work.

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How does Agrak Work work?

To use Agrak Work, download the app from the Play Store. Agrak Work is the app used by your  Checkers, Quality Controls, and Laoder. With Agrak Work, you record the deliveries of the harvesters, carry out personalized quality controls and take complete traceability of your fruit. 

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