How does heat affect cherries?

Consequences of excess heat on cherries

In recent weeks, Chile has experienced high temperatures in several regions of the country. Temperatures have exceeded 35°C in some areas, especially in the central and northern regions of the country.

High temperatures can affect agricultural production, especially in heat-sensitive crops such as grapes, cherries, citrus and vegetables. In addition, lack of water can also be a problem in some drought-stricken areas.

Cherries are no exception, as they can also be hard hit by high temperatures. Heat can negatively affect the quality of cherries in several ways. Some of the effects of high temperatures on this fruit include:

How does heat affect cherries?
  • Premature ripening: Heat can accelerate the ripening process of cherries, which can cause them to soften and lose their sweet flavor. As a result, cherries may become softer, lose their crispness and become less flavorful.
  • Dehydration: Heat can cause water loss in cherries, which can cause them to dry out and lose their juiciness. If cherries become too dehydrated, they can become shriveled and lose their flavor.
  • Sun damage: Heat from direct sun can damage the skin of cherries, causing blemishes and discoloration. This can make cherries look less attractive and less desirable to consumers.
  • Loss of nutrients: Heat can degrade nutrients in cherries, which can cause them to lose some of their nutritional value. Cherries contain a variety of nutrients, such as vitamin C and antioxidants, which are important for a healthy diet.

In summary, heat can have a negative effect on cherries, causing them to lose their flavor, texture and nutritional value. Therefore, it is important to store and transport cherries in proper conditions to preserve their quality.

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