Temperature control and cherry sun exposure at harvesting

Something we should all consider.

One of the key times of the year for the cereceros is the intense harvest period in the summer, as there are a number of determining factors to achieve good results, among them: the supply and demand of labor in the area, climatic factors, the heat and exposure of the fruit to the sun, coordination of large teams of people, the cleanliness of the overall harvest process and the quality of the fruit in the orchard.

Regarding the exposure of the fruit to the sun and high temperatures, it is necessary to point out that for cherries this plays a very important role, since it is one of the most important factors to be controlled in order to keep the fruit in good condition at all times, otherwise damage to the fruit may occur, such as: dehydration of the fruit, dehydration of the pedicel and increased sensitivity of the fruit.

Temperature control and cherry sun exposure at harvesting

For the same reason, it is always recommended during harvesting to be constantly concerned about keeping the temperature of the fruit low, since the temperature of the pulp should not exceed 25ºC at any time. Concrete actions to achieve the above are:

  • Place raschel mesh to provide shade.
  • Keep the fruit in ventilated places.
  • Maintain humidity in the fruit sector (e.g. by placing wet sponges on the boxes and maintaining the humidity of the boxes).
  • Do not harvest during hours of excessive heat.
  • Do not keep fruit waiting longer than necessary, both in the orchard and in the loading yard.
  • Dispatch fruit from the field frequently.
  • Do not harvest after 14:00 hrs.

This will favor a harvest of high standards where the quality of the fruit is a top priority.

For the above mentioned, it is also highly recommended to investigate what products are offered in the market to monitor the traceability of the cherry in order to reduce the negative impact of the exposure of the fruit to the sun and heat and to have a high quality harvest.

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