How does heat affect citrus fruits?

Consequences of excess heat on citrus fruits

With the arrival of summer and the sharp rise in temperatures, it is common to encounter heat waves, which are one of the greatest fears for growers. Although heat affects any type of crop and harvest, one of the most affected groups is citrus.

Each year the temperature rises are more extreme, often exceeding the national average. This greatly affects the quality of the fruit of our crops.

Excessive heat affects citrus because of the stress it places on your fruit trees, resulting in serious problems for citrus fruit set. Plant development is affected and the fruit set process is severely hampered. As a consequence, a large number of fruits are finally detached from the tree when they are not yet ready to be removed and are at a very early stage. This process can be truly disastrous for growers, resulting in considerable losses.

How does heat affect citrus fruits?

When temperatures rise above 35 °C and citrus fruits are in the ripening period, is when we have to start worrying, because it can cause an increase in pests and even spoil the fruits. Although this is a fact that we can do nothing about, from Agrak we want to offer you some measures to combat the effects of high temperatures in the field:

  • Increase the frequency of irrigation, especially during the hours of higher temperatures. Another possible solution is to promote a more abundant irrigation in the paths of the crop that can dampen this thermal effect.
  • Use more shading in greenhouses or agrotextile shading nets made of natural fiber or materials that improve solar resistance.
  • Resorts to the supply of agricultural fertilizers to prevent plant diseases and increase calcium levels.
  • Emphasize plant nutrition and biostimulation, essential to overcome the adversities of heat and increase the balance of photosynthesis.
  • Use natural insecticides compatible with biological control organisms to deal with potential pests.


Remember that with the help of Agrak you will make the management of your harvest much simpler, more intuitive and efficient, allowing you to increase fruit quality among many other functions.

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